Lego Sonic The Hedgehog

76993 Lego Sonic The Hedgehog - Sonic vs. Death Egg robot Dr. Eggmana

21331 Lego Sonic The Hedgehog - Green Hill Zone

77002 Lego Sonic The Hedgehog – Cyclone vs. Metal Sonic

77003 Lego Sonic The Hedgehog – Super Shadow vs. Biolizard

76995 Lego Sonic The Hedgehog - Shadow a jeho útek

77001 Lego Sonic The Hedgehog – Sonic a súboj pri táboráku

76998 Lego Sonic The Hedgehog – Knuckles a chrám Master Emerald

76997 Lego Sonic The Hedgehog – Tailsov dobrodružný čln

76992 Lego Sonic The Hedgehog - Amyin ostrov na záchranu zvierat